Maintenance - Update 26.02.2014

Heroes of Elios, listen!

Tomorrow at 9am CET there will be another round of maintenance, which is scheduled to finish by midday. New adventures will be waiting for you in the final dungeons of Sander! The following changes will be activated:


  • Sander dungeons 5 and 6 available
  • Associated quests unlocked
  • Maximum level increased to 70
  • Title "Dungeon Master!" will be available from tomorrow on
  • Bugfixes


  • An Ominous Sand Storm


  • Travelling Circus avatar sets for all characters

An Ominous Sandstorm

Event title: An Ominous Sandstorm
Event timeframe: 26.02.2014 9 AM (local time) – 12.03.2014 9 AM (local time)
Event list:

  1. An Ominous Sandstorm
  2. To the Heart of the Behemoth

Event details:

1. An Ominous Sandstorm

a) Letter from Sander

  • Every character (level 10+) that is connected to the game for 60 minutes will receive the 'Letter Fragment from Weathered Sander' and 'Eldrit Shard (turquoise)' items in the post daily.

* Letter Fragment from Weathered Sander: the increasing sandstorms have heavily worn the writing on this piece of letter. Perhaps you can deduce the content by finding further fragments and by reconstructing the letter. Will be deleted at the end of the event.

b) Research into the Ominous Sandstorm

  • Characters in the dungeons (excluding Ruben and Henir) are attacked by sandstorms. If the 'Sand Hill' in the sandstorm is defeated, all characters receive the 'Sander Booty Chest' (contains Dried Meat, Desert Water and Wind Orb; will be removed with the next maintenance).
  • Daily quest available from Aranka (level 10+, excluding Ruben and Henir): Investigate the Sandstorm; requires 5x 'Sander Booty Chest'
  • Aranka will exchange your 'Letter Fragments from Weathered Sander' for cool accessories: Beelzubub Bracelet (30 days), Bat Earring (30 days), Bat Wing (30 days), Crown of the Succubus Queen (30 days), and Bat Belt (30 days).

2. To the Heart of the Behemoth

  • Quest available from Aranka (level 58+): To the Heart of the Behemoth, Part 1; requires 10x Dry Sander 'Expert' and 10x Garpai 'Expert'
  • Quest available from Aranka (level 58+): To the Heart of the Behemoth, part 2; requires 10x Trax Nest 'Expert' and 10x Village of the Kalluso Tribe 'Expert'
    Repeatable quest available from Aranka (level 58+): To the Heart of the Behemoth, Part 3; requires 10x Sandtilus 'Expert' and 10x Heart of the Behemoth 'Expert'

To overview