The Game
How everything began...

A long time ago, the continent of Elios was barren and empty. The continent was named the "The Land Forgotten by God" or "The Land of Darkness". Grim legends surrounded this inhospitable place and humans avoided it. One day, however, a wondrous transformation began. The land became fertile, plants began to grow everywhere and life returned to the continent. The cause of this was a giant gemstone which shone so bright that it defeated the darkness. The humans stood in wonder at the power of this stone and asked themselves what marvellous material it could be made of. Fascinated, they gave the blue diamond a name: they called the gemstone EL.
...a giant gemstone which shone so bright that it defeated the darkness...
Story of Elios Part III
After a hundred years...

Many generations passed and the continent's dark past became a myth. Humans no longer called this continent "The Land Forgotten by God" but held it to be blessed and gave it the name Elios. The power of the blue gemstone flowed through all creatures in Elios. The Nasod were also fed by its energy. Nasod, robot-like beings made of iron and screws, but given life thanks to EL. Humans treated them badly and their only purpose was to perform menial tasks.

EL itself was guarded by a priestess who the inhabitants of Elios named "El's Lady". Eight masters stood by her side. One master was in love with El's Lady, however, and wanted her all for himself. He hatched a plan in which he wanted to steal the crystal and so gain control of El's Lady. When the other masters learned of this plan from a traitorous servant, they began to fight: some sided with the renegade master, others tried to stop him. A brutal war broke out across the land. El's Lady tried to save EL, but she had barely touched it before EL exploded.
The return of the dark age...

The explosion devastated the area surrounding the tower and all beings that shared their energy with EL fell lifelessly to the ground. The Nasod changed especially: even though they weren't living beings, they began to develop a mind of their own anyway. They began spontaneously to move under their own steam and could no longer be controlled. All masters died in this event and the gemstone EL was shattered into countless shards that were thrown all over Elios by the force of the explosion. El's Lady vanished from the face of the earth that day. Only there, where the shards of EL were found, was any life still possible. Humans settled there, where the shards of EL had fallen – in the other regions, the life-destroying wasteland returned that had ruled there before EL's arrival. Thus the once great kingdom broke into small provinces that existed independent from one another...
To overview