
Adventurous Maverick
Lithia is a free-spirited mage and treasure hunter who journeys the world alone and doesn’t care tuppence for the rules. Despite her apparent confidence and cheerful demeanour, she is afraid of making meaningful relationships, after her family was once torn apart by an event deep in her past. Working on behalf of the Biological Resources Society, she has been exploring the ancient capital of the kingdom of Elyanod. On her return journey, she randomly meets an old school friend in Sander, and discovers some unexplored ruins with him. There she is cursed by a ghost, which has a pivotal impact on her path, and her magic. Lithia’s magic is based on gems which she collects and polishes herself, and she uses a self-modified magical pickaxe in combat. Her journey through life is closely tied to gemstones and minerals.
To overview‘You never know what’s going on in Lithia’s head... but challenge her and her trusty pickaxe at your peril!’
Rena on Lithia